
Lower Costs

The MPS system has a fully integrated invoicing system for re-charging trips and double checking providers’ incoming fee invoices. Each passenger on a trip can be invoiced differently, by account, smartcard, cash to driver, as part of a monthly contract etc.

By using the scheduler at the beginning of a school year it is possible to “pre-create” a whole years re-charging and sub-contract providers’ invoices to reduce manual input times. Many sales and purchase order reports are available. A spread sheet system has sophisticated billing analysis for any month – with full extract to XLS, XLSX & PDF.

MPS has lowest cost, optimised route scheduling with integrated mapping, passenger management, integrated diaries & schedules, billing and costing frameworks. Multi-level security enforces the right access and updating permissions for each user. Separate web login screens are available for clients, drivers, attendants and 3rd Party Providers to manage their details, view their schedules, notify absence, update timesheets, leave messages and many other functions – web self-service modules.


86-90 Paul St.
London, UK EC2A 4NE

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+44 (0) 333 920 2149